1. This is a really good article! Loved your lesson from the elephants. Very insightful and helpful for me as I understand my own levels of captivity. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the elephant analogy and how we get conditioned to think we can’t break the chains. But Jesus can! Amen! (I am pinning this one so I won’t forget.)

  3. Wow! Such a powerful post, Diane! So blessed by what you’ve shared here, Sister. May we all walk in freedom! Thank you for sharing and thank you for hosting! God bless you! 🙂

  4. So sad, the cruelty to give us a circus, not all,but some. And now it is history. It should not have been that way, there had to be good training. That story is interesting though, what we learn early on really sticks. I was using the Jacob Marley imagery, carrying the chains we forge in life, I guess we really do. So glad Jesus breaks them.

  5. I’m always encouraged to hear more about how others experience freedom in Christ. And I love your reminder that we don’t have to stay bound by our chains. Thanks for this encouraging word today, Diane!

  6. I never knew that about circus elephants. That is so very sad and what an incredible analogy to our own bondage.

    I have been struggling with fear and anxiety of late and your words encouraged me greatly.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling. I’ll be praying for you! But I’m happy it encouraged you!!

  7. Great truth Diane. This post definitely spoke to my heart. I stayed so bound up in chains and blame for years due to a 15 year abusive marriage and loss of my first grandchild to SID’S at 4 1/2 months old. I am so thankful for God’s grace.

  8. What a wonderful analogy to our chains. It was also a great reminder to me to stop looking back–something I’m so prone to do. I am free indeed! Thank you!

  9. I love the imagery of an elephant in chains, because I think that is so applicable in many ways to a lot of the sins we carry around with us. Great way to look at this and the freedom we have from our great and mighty Chain Breaker!

  10. I love the analogy of the elephant. I’d heard that before but forgot it. Good reminder. GREAT POST! Thanks!

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