1. Yes, it is so easy to get busy doing for God and not spending time with him. I try to make it a habit to put him first. Today I was debating whether to get out on the mountain or stay home and get work done. You convinced me to get out and commune with God in a place I love to meet HIM. Thank you, Maree

  2. When I first read your metaphor of the two sons, I was skeptical because I thought they were both loving their father in two different ways. But as I continued to read, I think you made a really good connection to communion. I definitely feel more connected to people who take the time to sit with me and know me versus people who just do tasks (a certain loved one comes to mind whose love language is “acts of service” – and I’m working on choosing to believe the best instead of focusing on what is lacking 🙂 ). This is also very convicting to me about spending quality time with God. Thank you for writing this.

  3. This is so well put. Both are necessary, but ‘mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her!’ personal communion is necessary, or we can become works based and legalistic

  4. Wow! So much to mull over here, Diane! I love that analogy! I really want to find that balance; may the Lord help me. Thanks for your insightful post.

  5. I love this post. In my relationships with people, I can tend to concentrate more on doing for them rather than just being with them. I need to make sure that doesn’t happen in my relationship with God, and I need to work on it in my relationship with others as well.

    1. Yes it is SO easy to do that in our relationships. I know it happens in my marriage as well. We can get so focused on doing FOR each other that we forget the other person just wants us to be there. So yes, we have to watch that we don’t do the same with God too!

    1. LOL We all tend to get behind that mower now and again! I chose this post this week from a conversation I had with a friend on this topic so we all take turns cutting that grass from time to time LOL

  6. Diane, I’m sharing this in many spaces today!! I needed this reminder of keeping my “doing” in perspective. I think I’ve been a bit of a Martha lately and the Holy Spirit moved my heart as I read. One thing I try to do in my personal prayer time, is take pauses to listen to the Spirit lead me in my prayer. To listen to His leading through prayer is so often when He lays a person on my heart that I need to reach out to. He is so faithful in leading us. He is so faithful in pouring out His love through my prayer time.

    1. April I am so glad this encouraged you and that you found it helpful. I normally write from a place of “this is what I am struggling with myself” so I know how you feel! That is why I love being in a community of women who can encourage each other as we all move from one place in our walk to another!

  7. Woman! You convicted me – as i should be taking the time to grow closer to Him now, I fear I may be just mowing His lawn. Thank you for another amazing post. Love you!

  8. Diane,
    You have me thinking and realizing I need a readjustment. I’m in a small group right now, and we are in the old testament quite a bit. I am fascinated with learning about festivals. However, the homework is quite a bit, so I have cut way back from communing with God. I miss him.

    I usually pray using an acronym I came up with T.R.U.S.T. The S stands for sitting still with God and listening. I have not been doing this. I think a balance has a lot to do with it too. I can get so intrigued by learning about God and doing that; I skip the opportunity of being. Thank you for pointing me back to communing with God.

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